Looney Woods
In the fictional world of Looney Woods… An evil source casted a spell upon our favorite characters, turning them into Loonatics! Leaving them unconscious and gassed out of their minds. Their future existence is at risk! Will you be able to rescue them back to reality? That’s all folks!!!
Please note the following regarding al bookings for Escape Room:
- Kindly make sure that your phone number or email are correct to confirm your reservation, in case of no reply, your reservation will be cancelled. Thank you
منعاً للاحراج، الرجاء التأكد من رقم الهاتف أو البريد الالكتروني و ذلك للتأكيد على الحجز، وفي حال عدم الرد أو التأكيد سيتم الغاء الحجز، و شكراً - Participants need to arrive 15 minutes prior to your game start time
- Please double-check your booking date and time
- Our escape scenarios do not require specific attire